My precious dog, don't lose it.

Posted by Huijin Lee on

Hello, This is Aloha teacup puppies :))

Our precious family puppy,

Let's find out how to prevent them before they lose them.



If you lose your dog, your dog will be unhappy too, but the wound in the heart of the owner will be too big.

After many decades, the wound won't heal.


So, what kind of effort does it take to prevent this?


1. Please give them a necklace of name tags.

A name tag is a must for dogs who can't say who they are.

If your number and name are on the name tag, you will be able to find the puppies!


2. Be sure to leash them when you go out.

Make sure to wear a leash on them even for a short walk and never let go of the leash.

Even well-trained puppies can get excited when they see another dog or smell something amazing.

And it doesn't lose a dog, but it can also prevent traffic accidents.


3. Taking a picture

This is more to prepare for the loss than for the loss prevention. 

Photographs are the basis for finding abandoned dogs.

Because you can't even make flyers without pictures.

Wouldn't it be better to take various pictures of your dog?


4. Mandatory Microchip

Microchips are a concept like people's I.D.

It tells us where he lives and who he is.



It's too late to lose your family and regret it.

I have to protect my family myself.


Everyone can be happy with the dog they love without regret.

Until the happy day, Aloha, too.

I'll cheer you up! 


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📩Text&Call, +1 646 513 9395

📲Whatsapp, +82 10 7677 1281



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